Canine Cardio Audio Box

The Holsim Canine Cardio Audio Box allows students to recognise heart murmurs in dogs.

Canine Cardio Audio Box

The Holsim Canine Cardio Audio Box allows students to recognise heart murmurs in dogs.

By using the stethoscope the students can determine which of the four heart valves have murmurs. The audio box enables the tutor to associate murmurs with individual heart valves for the student to listen to and identify.

The Canine Cardio Audio Box has been designed to only be heard with the stethoscope during student training when inserted into a Holsim Dog. It anatomically mirrors the heart of a dog with individual murmurs to be associated with each heart valve. If requested we can also add an additional module to allow Lung Auscultation training with a variety of lung sounds.

Note: this product does not include the mannequin.

Please see related products from Holsim: Canine Intubation ModelCanine Oesophageal Feeding Tube Model, Brachycephalic Dog Model, Canine Female Urinary Catheter, IV Dog Leg Model Kit & Jugular Blood Sampling Kit

Choose between:

  • Heart only: $4,594.25, item number: C700-000
  • Heart & Lung: $7,039.15, item number: C700-200
This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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