Canine IV Insert

Canine IV Insert is designed to be used with the IV Dog Leg and Canine Jugular Blood Sampling Model.

Canine IV Insert

Canine IV Insert is designed to be used with the IV Dog Leg and Canine Jugular Blood Sampling Model.

The dog skin insert is firstly connected to the tubes in the dog leg or neck. The blood will circulate through the vein tubing, where the student can then attempt to identify the vein and withdraw blood or administer the required fluids or drugs.

The insert has a realistic resistance under the skin when the needle is inserted. The vein also bulges slightly when pressure is applied. The insert also has coloured skin, fat and muscle layers.

Item number: C800-200

Please see related products from Holsim: Blood Pump, Artificial Blood, Canine Oesophageal Feeding Tube Model, Brachycephalic Dog Model, Canine Female Urinary Catheter & Canine Cardio Audio Box.

Price: $163.30


This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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