Canine Oesophageal Feeding Tube Model

Canine Oesophageal Feeding Tube Model is a training mannikin that helps students learn where to make an incision on a dog’s neck and how to navigate tools through the mouth and respiratory region to improve your ability to place a feeding tube through a dog’s neck.

Canine Oesophageal Feeding Tube Model

Canine Oesophageal Feeding Tube Model is a training mannikin that helps students learn where to make an incision on a dog’s neck and how to navigate tools through the mouth and respiratory region to improve your ability to place a feeding tube through a dog’s neck.

This training aid features a functioning jaw, accurate mouth and throat features (tongue, epiglottis, soft palate, etc.), and a surgical block with a jugular vein. The surgical jugular block is a replaceable part that can be cut and sutured multiple times. It also allows you to palpate where the jugular vein is located to improve your operational skills. There is a stomach opening at the rear of the model to show you if you have correctly placed your feeding tube. The model comes with connection points on the back to attach a mounting bracket if needed.

Contact Holsim for any spare parts or mounting brackets.

Item number: C400-000

Please see related products from Holsim: Canine Intubation ModelBrachycephalic Dog Model, Canine Female Urinary Catheter, Canine Cardio Audio Box, IV Dog Leg Model Kit & Jugular Blood Sampling Kit

Price: $6,808.00

This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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