Canine Pelvis (Hip) Model

This is a skeletal model of the hip of a medium size dog. Type of record: Skeletons. Category: Anatomy and Pathology

Canine Pelvis Model (Hip)

This is a skeletal model of the hip of a medium size dog. Features both normal and arthritic bones, body of ilium, greater trochanter, head in acetabulum, herniated disc, neck of femur, nerve, sacrum, and third trochanter.

Comments & References: Mounted on a stand with base. Measures: approximately 18 x 14 x 28 cm (7 x 5.5 x 11 inches). Includes a Key Card. Probably the same as "Canine Pelvis Model by GPI Anatomicals", from Rescue Critters, Item: G9060, US$117.90. Please see "Canine Hip Model" (Anatomisches Modell einer Hundehüfte), Item: 190060, available from Praxisdienst Vet, A Heine Scientific Product. This product may also be purchased from Lake Forest Anatomicals, entitled " Canine Hip Anatomical Model", Item: LFA 9060.


Item: W33356 (1019578)


Price: EUR 125.00

This page was updated on 18 June 2019

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