Cardiac Anastomosis Model

This simulator consists of a 3 inches Thoracic Aorta and a 6 inches Saphenous Vein for proximal end-to-side anastomosis training. Type of record: Simulator. Category: Surgery

Cardiac Anastomosis Model 9168

This simulator consists of a 3 inches Thoracic Aorta and a 6 inches Saphenous Vein for proximal end-to-side anastomosis training. This simulator is an alternative to biological tissues, designed for the acquisition, practice, and maintenance of cardiac anastomosis skills. A fluid pump is available for evaluating the quality of anastomosis (may be ordered separately).

Comments & References: Suitable for coronary anastomosis skills training. Constructed of hydrogel compound. Contains a high moisture content with no oily residue.
Part # DLL0107CAM
Price: US$38.00 each
This page was updated on 15 May 2019

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