Cardiology Virtual Lab

Cardiology Virtual Lab is an interactive, modular lab that explores the tools that doctors use to examine and diagnose patients with heart conditions.

Cardiology Virtual Lab

Cardiology Virtual Lab is an interactive, modular lab that explores the tools that doctors use to examine and diagnose patients with heart conditions.

Students can collect and interpret data using various tools and tests for detecting heart conditions. The lab includes examples of medical exams involving auscultation (listening with a stethoscope), an echocardiogram, an MRI scan, and pedigree charts. After interpreting their results and answering questions, students offer diagnoses for each patient.

The lab contains an interactive lab space, an informational notebook, and embedded quiz questions. It also includes supplementary resources, such as background on the anatomy and physiology of the heart, a glossary of scientific and medical terms, and an encyclopedia of heart conditions.

Please see other Virtual Lab Series from BioInteractive:

For comparison please see Virtual Physiology Series

Access online.


This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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