CeePeR K-9 Mannikin

Developed for pet first aid instructors to introduce basic CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) skills (heart compressions, mouth-to-snout resuscitation), splinting, and bandaging to pet owners. Type of record: Simulator. Category: Handling and Medicine.

CeePeR Dog CPR Mannikin

Developed for pet first aid instructors to introduce basic CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) skills (heart compressions, mouth-to-snout resuscitation), splinting, and bandaging to pet owners. This simulator has working lungs, disposable and cleanable parts. The fur is completely removable for machine wash. Accessories: Includes a carrying case with kneeling pad and 5 disposable lungs.

Simulates a 40-50 lbs dog. This mannikin uses the same lungs as "Jerry" (see record number 4905) and is therefore an alternative to "Jerry". Suitable for training in a veterinary setting, search and rescue, canine units and for pet owners. A femoral pulse feature (Item: 708) is now included in all CeePeR mannikins at no additional cost.

Item: 707  This product may be loaned from The Science Bank at Animalearn.

Price: US$415.00

This page was updated on 03 May 2023

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