Collection Of Typical Chimpanzee Bones
Record number: | f4568 |
Category: | Anatomy |
Type: | Skeletons |

Collection Of Typical Chimpanzee Bones, male (Pan troglodytes), modelled according to nature, in SOMSO-PLAST®. Supplied in plastic bags in a carton.
Consisting of:
Skull (3 parts), Scapula, Clavicle, Humerus, Radius, Ulna, Carpal bones, Bones of the index finger, 3 each right and left ribs, One each cervical, Thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, Hip bone, Sacrum, Coccyx, Femur, Tibia, Fibula, Tarsal bones, Bones of the big toe.
Item number: ZOS 53/142
H: 20 cm, W: 43 cm, D: 24 cm
Weight: 2.9 kg
Please see Pelvis of a Chimpanzee , Foot Skeleton of a Chimpanzee, Hand Skeleton of a Chimpanzee, Skeleton of a Chimpanzee, Unmounted Skeleton of a Chimpanzee & Upright Skeleton of a Chimpanzee.
For comparison please see different Chimpanzee Skull: Bone Clones Chimpanzee Skull, Adult Male, Chimpanzee Skull, Female, Chimpanzee Skull, Juvenile, Chimpanzee Skull, Plastic, & Somso Chimpanzee Skull.
For pricing information, please contact your local Distributor.
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