Coloration in Vertebrates

Coloration in Vertebrates explores images of animals with a mutation that affects coloration, which serve as phenomena for learning about skin color genetics and evolution.

Coloration In Vertebrates

Coloration in Vertebrates explores images of animals with a mutation that affects coloration, which serve as phenomena for learning about skin color genetics and evolution.

Researchers use model organisms, including zebrafish and mice, to investigate the genes behind coloration. One such gene is MFSD12, which also affects human skin color. Scientists have used the CRISPR-Cas9 technique to knock out the MFSD12 gene in both zebrafish and mice. These images compare mutants with the knocked-out gene to their wild-type counterparts. These comparisons can shed light on the role of MFSD12 in multiple vertebrates, including humans.


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This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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