Crayfish Biosmount
Record number: | bcdf5 (legacy id: 3506) |
Category: | Anatomy |
Type: | Display Mounts |

Crayfish Biosmount preparation. Two specimens are included in each mount. One is for external study, the other one is dissected to show internal organs. The major organs are labelled. The circulatory system is latex injected. Includes a line drawing of the earthworm's anatomy, plus a separate teacher's answer key. Other Biosmount preparations are: squid; earthworm; and perch. Although students do no dissecting, they still view and study actual specimens.
Size: 5 x 10.5 inches. The mounts are completely sealed in 1/4 inch-thick, clear acrylic. Suitable for classroom or laboratory display. After studying a mount, the student should be able to identify specific organs by number. Please see "Crayfish Anatomy Museum Mount" for comparison.
Item: 262177D
Price: US$205.00 each
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