Dissection 101 - Clam Dissection
Record number: | d06f0 |
Category: | Dissection |
Type: | Web pages - Video Film |

Dissection 101 - Clam Dissection provides dissection lesson plans, educational videos, and quizzes. Great for instructional design, lesson planning and professional learning.
Grades: 6-8, 9-12
Choose between:
Clam Dissection: Lesson Plan: This lesson plan describes a clam dissection in detail.
Detailed Clam Dissection Video: This video details the external and internal anatomy of a clam.
Clam movement video: Clam movement in the Missouri River, Yankton, South Dakota. The muscular foot of the clam is used to move the clam through the shallow river bottom. (Grades: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12)
Additional video, lesson plans, quizzes, additional dissections, and more are available in the Dissection 101 Collection and in the Support Materials section.
Please see other Dissection 101 (PBS): Crayfish, Earthworm, Sea Star, Cow Eye, Frog, Perch, Sheep Heart & Dogfish Shark.
Price: Free access online.
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