Eisco Frog Dissection Plaque

This frog dissection plaque depicts the full frontal dissection of a frog to expose the major internal organ systems, such as the viscera, circulatory and urinary systems. Type of record: Model. Category: Anatomy

Frog Dissection Model

This frog dissection plaque depicts the full frontal dissection of a frog to expose the major internal organ systems, such as the viscera, circulatory and urinary systems. The model is numbered and includes a key card for identification of key anatomical features.


Comments & References: Large size. Measures 11 x 54 x 46 cm. Coloured. Suitable for student reference during their frog dissection laboratory. Also suitable for review sessions or for testing purposes. Mounted on a durable plastic base. This model plaque is also available from Flinn Scientific, entitled Frog Dissection Model, Item: FB1674.

Item: 470136-404

Price: US$135.00 each

This page was updated on 06 May 2019

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