EMS Trainer

By placing the lumens of the stomach and duodenum, a section of colon, and an oesophagus into the platform, and making easily reusable and replaceable tissue elements, this EMS Trainer may be used as a platform for demonstrating and training GI endoscopy procedures. Type of record: Simulator. Category: Surgery

EMS Trainer 9291

By placing the lumens of the stomach and duodenum, a section of colon, and an oesophagus into the platform, and making easily reusable and replaceable tissue elements, this EMS Trainer may be used as a platform for demonstrating and training GI endoscopy procedures. The EMS Trainer has individual tissue elements that fit securely into the lumen walls. The tissue elements allow for multiple procedure practice. May be used under direct visualisation or with endoscopic visualisation using the opaque soft tissue detailed cover provided. Trainer procedures and tissue elements include: Oesophageal Varix for Clipping; Oesophageal Tissue Anomaly for Biopsy; Two Gastric Ulcers for Clipping; Stomach Tissue Anomaly for Biopsy Oesophageal Stricture for Stenting; Pyloric Stricture for Stenting; Duodenal Stricture for Stenting; Colon Polyp for Stenting; Colon Post-Polypectomy Site for Clipping; Colon Perforation for Clipping; and Colonic Stricture for Stenting.

Comments & References: Extra tissue elements may be ordered in packages of 5. Portable format. No fasteners or other non-anatomical additions. Simple to popp out and replace tissue elements. A protective cover is also included that accommodates all trainer elements. Lumens are accurately sized.
Item # 2068
Price: Please contact supplier
This page was updated on 16 January 2020

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