Equine GI Tract

This simulator contains a 5 section inflatable latex GI (gastrointestinal) tract with pump. Type of record: Simulator. Category: Medicine

Equine GI Tract 9359

This simulator contains a 5 section inflatable latex GI (gastrointestinal) tract with pump. Right and left ventral colon, right and left dorsal colon, and caecum. 3m section of inflatable latex small intestine. To be used together with the Equine Palpation/Colic Simulator.

Other related products: Equine Theriogenology model, Equine Palpation Radiology Limb & Equine Neck Venipuncture/IM Injection

Please see Additional and Replacement Parts Equine

Price upon request.

This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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