Equine Palpation/Colic Simulator
Record number: | e25a5 (legacy id: 5932) |
Category: | Medicine - Pathology |
Type: | Simulator |

The Equine Palpation/Colic Simulator is modelled as a standard 15 hand Quarter Horse and the frame is constructed of steel reinforced epoxy/fiberglass. The simulator includes: Recycled plastic base; 5 section inflatable GI (gastrointestinal) tract with pump: Right and left ventral colon, right and left dorsal colon, and caecum; 3m section of small intestine with mount; Replica spleen, left kidney and renosplenic ligament; Soft, durable perineum panel; Inflatable latex rectum; Polyurethane pelvis replica; Palpable soft uterus with cervix, urethra and broad ligaments; 3 sets of easily interchangeable ovaries (anoestrus, oestrus and oestrus with follicles), storage case; Palpable aorta; Abdominocentesis function with replaceable pad with palpable linea and fluid reservoir. All internal components are easily removable for cleaning and replacements. This simulator also has an artificial, removable tail. Suitable for veterinary students.
Replaceable Parts: abdominocentesis pad; GI tract; Perineum panel; Spleen/kidney/renosplenic ligament.
See a video about the product.
Related products: Equine Theriogenology model, Equine Palpation Radiology Limb, Equine GI Tract & Equine Neck Venipuncture/IM Injection.
Please see Additional and Replacement Parts Equine.
Price: Please contact supplier
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