Ewe simulator

The Royal Veterinary College uses ewe simulators as teaching aids prior to students assisting at lambing.

RVC Ewe Simulator

The Royal Veterinary College uses ewe simulators as teaching aids prior to students assisting at lambing. The simulators are made from plastic water tanks, with a "birth canal" and "uterus" made of polythene tubing.  The tubing is fed through a real-life fused ewe pelvis fixed by stainless steel bars in the centre of the tank. The "uterus" can hold at least two cadaver lambs.  The tank is filled with warm water, providing the realistic sensation of pressure around the lambs. Obtaining suitable lambs for this simulator is the greatest challenge, particularly when large numbers of students are to be trained. Cadaver lambs must not be diseased or too large to fit through the birth canal. They can only be used a few times before post mortem changes develop and damage occurs during training.

More information may be obtained from Isobel Faiers or Nicola Blackie at the Royal Veterinary College, London.

Please also see the model lamb used by the College students for practising non-surgical castration and tail docking.

See also the Hereford Dystocia Simulator.

This page was updated on 23 January 2024

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