Foot of the horse - model 1

This is a life-size model of a stallion's foot, manufactured in color using 3D printing, where each anatomical structure is shown in a different color.

Foot Of The Horse Model 1

This is a life-size model of a stallion's foot, manufactured in color using 3D printing, where each anatomical structure is shown in a different color. The horn capsule is available separately and can be attached to the standing limb. 

Model 1 structures: fetlock-navicular ligaments; common toe extensor; Lateral ligaments of the coffin joint; Lateral ligaments of the fetlock joint; Lateral ligaments of the coronary joint and the palmar coronary joint ligaments; Crossed leg ligaments; deep flexor tendon; Coffin bone; Navicular bone; Navicular bone ligament (lig. Impar); Horn capsule; Cannon bone; Crown bone; oblique ligaments of the same leg; Axial palmar ligaments; Fetlock; Proximal scutum; Palmar ligament of the same legs; Equal legs; Superficial flexor tendon; short straps of the same leg; Fetlock support (M. interosseus) and its supporting branches; straight leg band.

Four models are available: from the entire anatomy, which is composed of 25 colored structures, to progressively reduced models in which deeper-lying structures are visible. Please see model 2 (without flexor tendons), model 3 (the deep flexor tendon is split sagittally) & model 4 (the bones and joints with their respective ligaments are visible).

Article no.: VET4400

Please see Horsefoot, flexible.

Price: €1,568.42

This page was updated on 07 May 2024

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