Fresh Water Polyp

Model of Hydra, enlarged approx. 30 times, in SOMSO-Plast®

Fresh Water Polyp

Model of Hydra, enlarged approx. 30 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. The anatomy is shown in longitudinal section: entoderm, mesoglea, ectoderm, male and female egg-cells, buds and mouth opening. A detailed block of the wall of the body in the region of stomach and intestine, enlarged approx. 200 times, clearly shows the microscopic structure in cross and longitudinal section, and especially the structure of the various types of cell (nematoblasts, musculo-epithelial cells, sense cells, interstitial cells and the nerve network). In one piece. On a green base with explanatory notes.

Item number: ZoS 106

Weight: 2,9 kg, Length: 25 cm, Width: 28 cm & Height: 55 cm

For comparison please see other Fresh- / Saltwater Creatures from Somso: Model of a Water-FleaSlipper AnimalculeMusselCrayfish or Precious Crayfish & Model of a Single Cell Changing Animalcule.

Price: Inquiry 

This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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