Frog Model Activity Set

This raised-relief plaque can be used as an introduction to frog anatomy. Type of record: Model & Overhead Transparencies. Category: Anatomy

Frog Activity(1)

This raised-relief plaque can be used as an introduction to frog anatomy. The dorsal and ventral dissections of Rana catesbeiana, the bullfrog, are displayed side by side on this plaque to show the internal organs and musculature. In the abdomen, female reproductive organs are shown on the left side and male reproductive organs are shown on the right. A separate inset shows  the structure of the three-chambered heart. Includes an activity notebook with lesson plan; glossary; model key; blackline master, and full-colour overhead transparency.

Three-dimensional relief. Measures 24 x 18 inches (approx. 61 x 46 cm). Constructed of high impact plastic reinforced with rigid foam. Suitable to use before dissection, to accompany a dissection, as a make up for a missed dissection, or as a practical after dissection. Please see Crayfish, Grasshopper, Clam, Perch, Earthworm and Fetal Pig for the other individual plaque models in this series. Available from Ward's, entitled "Dissection Activity Models". Please NOTE: The frog and the clam models are not available from Ward's as individual products. Please see The Zoology Activity Set of 7, Item 470112-318, US$1015.00, which includes all 7 activity models, available from Ward's.

This page was updated on 14 December 2023

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