Holsim Dog Bones

Dog Bones from Holsim is anatomically precise 3D printed dog bones that enables students to name, position and function of each bone and its features.

Dog Bones

Dog Bones from Holsim is anatomically precise 3D printed dog bones that enables students to name, position and function of each bone and its features.

They were 3D scanned from bones prepared from a single real dog, and then 3D printed from bioplastic. Because the original scan data for the bones came from a single dog, all of the bones are in proportion and fit together snuggly.

Fore and hind limbs have all major bones, all carpals and tarsals and a representative digit (III). The set includes vertebrae from each region, a sacrum and two ribs.

Limb bones in the Holsim Dog Bones set come pre-drilled for threading together, demonstrating how the joints fit together with the major ligaments.

Item number: C1000-000

Please see Articulated Canine Hind Leg Bones.

Price: $683.10

This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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