Introduction to Flexible Endoscopy

By Todd Tams

This CD-ROM guides the user through the basics of flexible endoscopy using numerous video clips and hundreds of high-quality graphic images. Type: CD-ROM. Category: Veterinary Medicine.

Flexible Endoscopy 5252

This CD-ROM guides the user through the basics of flexible endoscopy using numerous video clips and hundreds of high-quality graphic images. It is an interactive and professional development tool that will give the user a solid grounding in the principles and techniques of flexible endoscopy in a practical way. Contents: Required or recommended instrumentation; How to care for, clean and store endoscopic instruments (staff training); Pre-endoscopic procedures, including patient preparation, equipment set-up and positioning of personnel; How to correctly hold and manipulate a flexible endoscope; Post-endoscopic procedures, including basic patient recovery and proper submission of tissue samples; How to incorporate flexible endoscopy into a veterinary practice using specific marketing skills and appropriate personnel training. The team members may complete the built-in self-assessment test to collect 5 hours of continuing education credits. Lifelearn's practice license allows all team members to use the program and collect CE (Continuing Education) credit. CE credit is approved by RACE and the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC).

Comments & References: Continuing Education - Small Animal. Fully narrated, 5 hour instructional CD-ROM.   System requirements: WindowsTM 95/98; Pentium class processor (minimum 90 MHz); 16 MB RAM; 8X CD-ROM drive (minimum); 16 bit sound card and speakers; Monitor resolution of 640 x 480 with 16 bit/24 bit colour. Authored by an international expert.

Computer type: Windows

Price: US$69.00

ISBN: 1-896985-22-X

Version: 2000 (October)

This page was updated on 04 December 2019

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