Kiwi Skeleton, Articulated with Egg

Kiwi Skeleton, Articulated with Egg (Apteryx australis), replica of the kiwi skeleton is provided with a kiwi egg and solid resin base, as shown.

Kiwi Skeleton, Articulated With Egg

Kiwi Skeleton, Articulated with Egg (Apteryx australis), replica of the kiwi skeleton is provided with a kiwi egg and solid resin base, as shown. Base Included. Kiwi Skull is also available. 

Living in the New Zealand forests, the brown kiwi (as well as all kiwis) produces the largest egg, proportional to its size, of any bird. The egg weighs around one pound and practically fills the entire body cavity. The small kiwi is closely related to the ostrich, from Africa, the emu from Australia, the cassowary from New Guinea, and the rheas from South America.

Xrays of a living female kiwi showing an egg in the body are available for downloading.

Xray 1
Xray 2
Xray 3
Xray 4

Size: 19" Long, 7 1/2" Wide, 14" High
Item: SC-165-A


This page was updated on 25 April 2024

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