Membrane Potential

Animation. Type: Video Film. Category: Biochemistry.

Description: Animation. Potassium, sodium and chloride are ionic species that occur within and outside living cells. They can diffuse through the cell membrane through specific ionic channels. Differences in the concentrations of the ions between the intra-and extra cellular fluids together with the specific permeability course a voltage difference across the cell membrane (Nernst and Goldman equations). The differences in concentrations inside and outside the cell are maintained by the sodium/potassium pump. It is shown how membrane potential can be measured.

Comments & References: Running time: 10 minutes. VHS PAL format. Designed for 1st year students in biology and medicine on a course entitled "Brain and Behaviour". See record numbers 704 and 4530 for the other two video films in this series.

Price: Dfl 75,- each

Version: 1985

This page was updated on 22 November 2019

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