Microscopic Fauna - Some Lifestyles, Part 3, Endocommensals of Periplaneta Americana (Cockroach)

By Walter Dioni

This website is an 1870 illustration of a cockroach dissection by Rolleston, where the colours and labels have been added later. Type of record: Web Pages. Category: Dissection and Anatomy

Microscopic Fauna Part 3

The web pages builds on an 1870 illustration of a cockroach dissection by Rolleston. The colours and labels have been added later. The dissection was performed through the dorsal body wall. The web pages are divided into Parts 1, 2 and 3. This is Part 3, but Part 1 (Microscopic Fauna) and 2 (The Cockroach as a host) are also available through these web pages.

Comments & References: Please see http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/artaug05/wdparasite3.html for more information.

Price: Online: Free of charge

This page was updated on 10 January 2020

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