Microsurgery on the Laboratory Rat, Volume 1: Portacaval Anastomosis

To study the interrelationship between the liver and some of the splanchnic organs in the rat, a portacaval shunt may be the model of choice. Type: DVD. Category: Surgery (animal)

Description: To study the interrelationship between the liver and some of the splanchnic organs in the rat, a portacaval shunt may be the model of choice. It also provides a model highly suited to the study of liver metabolism, regeneration of the liver, acute liver ischaemia, liver and portal bloodflow, and the biochemically induced changes resulting in neurological complications. There are two major variations preparing a portacaval anastamosis, the suture-technique and the button technique according to Funovics. This video film shows the button technique in great detail. The video film can be divided into 3 parts: The principle of the technique is illustrated by a computer-animation; The preparation of the button is demonstrated by both computer-animation and realistic pictures; The anatomy of the operation-area and all the different steps of the operation are explained by means of a computer-animation. All the details of this delicate technique are shown, using three videocameras (microscopic view, surgeon's view and total view). Can clearly look how the purse-string suture is made, clamps are placed and where ligatures are layed. After the portal vein is cut, the button is slipped over it, and the portal vein is fixed to it. The surgeon then shows how the button should be placed in the purse-string and how the suture is tightened. Finally, when the clamps are removed, the portacaval shunt can be seen in function.

Comments & References: Part of a series of 10 video films, available on DVDs. Accompanies the Manual of Microsurgery on the Laboratory Rat, describing general and experimental microsurgical techniques. Please see record numbers 3907, 3908, 3909, 3910, 3911 and 3913, 3914, 3915, 3916 for the other 9 DVDs in this series. See also record number 4951 for The Microsurgical Developments PVC-RAT simulator and record number 5392 for REMOTE, an interactive patient monitoring system available on CD-ROM.

Price: Each DVD: Euro 149.00; Complete set of 10 DVDs (including a free copy of REMOTE): Euro 1400.00. Prices do not include taxes. Handling costs: Euro 9.50

Version: 1994

This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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