Milking Udder

Milking Udder is a model to teach milking, cupping and teat sealing techniques.

Milking Udder

Milking Udder is a model to teach milking, cupping and teat sealing techniques. Students can practise the technique of pulling and producing milk from the teats in a controlled environment with clear assessment from the tutor before advancing into the field. Students can also learn how treat mastitis in the teats. The udder is made with moulded plastic, and each teat is removable for cleaning and maintenance. The udder can be filled with ‘milk’ for training.

There are two types of teats: pink for use with milking training, and clear, for teaching teat sealing techniques. The clear silicone allows students to see how far up into the teat the syringe is inserted and antibiotics are applied. Mounted on a high-grade plywood stand for table-top use.

Item number: B500-000

Mastitis Teats Kit & Milking Teats Kit is designed to be used with the Milking Udder. 

Accessories & related products: Milking Udder KitCupping Udder, Calf Disbudding KitBirthing Shroud Rump & Vagina Entrance, Pregnancy & Rectal Palpation KitCalf Disbudding Horn Buds & Birthing Kit. 

Price: $677.35


This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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