Pathbase: European Mutant Mouse Pathology Database

Pathbase is a database of histopathology photomicrographs and macroscopical images derived from mutant or genetically manipulated mice. Type of record: Web pages. Category: Histology (animal) & Pathology (animal)

Pathbase web pages

Description: Pathbase is a database of histopathology photomicrographs and macroscopical images derived from mutant or genetically manipulated mice. Images can be retrieved by searching for specific lesions or class of lesion, by genetic locus, or by a wide set of parameters shown on the Advanced Search Interface. Lesions are described according to the Pathbase pathology ontology developed by the Pathbase European Consortium, available in the menu called Pathology Ontology ( or on the Gene Ontology Consortium site - OBO (The Open Biological and Biomedical Ontologies). Pathbase is funded under the European Commission's Fifth framework programme (QLRI-1999-00320) and it is free for general use. It is recommended that users upload their own images, contribute comments to images and send their feedback to Pathbase: European Mutant Mouse Pathology Database, University of Cambridge. At the Upload Images link, the user can submit information after having signed in.

Comments & References: Please see and for full information on this web site. If using a pathology reference from the database, please cite: European mutant mouse pathology database (Pathbase), Pathbase web site (, University of Cambridge, and specify the date when data cited was retrieved.Images in the database remain the property of the persons generously allowing their images to be used and who are acknowledged within each record.

Price: Free of charge

This page was updated on 18 June 2019

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