Rat Anatomy Poster

This poster is a valuable reference tool, including 29 detailed anatomical illustrations of the rat. Type of record: Chart/Diagram. Category: Anatomy

Rat Anatomy Poster 9309

This poster is a valuable reference tool, including 29 detailed anatomical illustrations of the rat. The illustrations include skeleton; skull, showing teeth and all bones; ventral view head, neck and cranial thorax, showing masseter, salivary glands, jugular vein, subclavian arteries; pharynx, tongue, vocal cords, teeth; lacrimal and salivary glands and venous supply to the eye; brain, dorsal and ventral aspects, left lateral, midsagittal section of right half; palmar and plantar surfaces of feet; rear limb, dissected with muscles outlined, medial and lateral views, showing tendons, nerves, muscles and blood vessels; female and male reproductive and urinary systems; perineal views of male and female adult; mammary glands, lateral and ventral views; gastrointestinal system; cranial abdominal viscera showing stomach, spleen and liver; stomach, longitudinal and sectioned and opened on greater curvature to show pyloric orifice and cardiac orifice, mucosal folds; cervicothoracic organs; heart and great vessels, ventral and dorsal aspects; heart and abdominal vascular tree.

Comments & References: Measures 35.5 x 49.5 inches. Suitable for research scientists, laboratory technicians, high school and college science students. To purchase this poster, please click here. This poster may be purchased together with the Mouse Anatomy Poster as a Bundle, entitled Rodent Poster Bundle, Item Number 06-00033, List Price: US$80.00, Member Price: US$40.00.
Item Number: 06-00021
Price: List Price: US$45.00; Member Price: US$25.00 
This page was updated on 06 January 2020

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