REACH High School Physiology System

REACH High School Physiology System is a high school lab kit designed for A&P classes.

REACH High School Physiology System

REACH High School Physiology System is a high school lab kit designed for A&P classes. The kit contains the sensors, recording software, and write-ups to perform over 15 core experiments introducing your students to the fundamentals of cardiovascular, neuromuscular and respiratory physiology.

Each exercise is laid out in a step-by-step, simple-to-use fashion, allowing your students to perform hands-on experiments, easily analyze their findings, and generate a report.


  • REACH Physiological Recorder
  • LabScribeDL Recording and Analysis Software
  • Set of 5 snap leads?for ECG/EMG and Respiration (C-ISO-SL5)
  • 50 electrodes ECG/EMG/Respiration Electrodes (A-ELEC-50)
  • Kit Box (A-KB-REACH)


Download Brochure

Please see Animal & Human Physiology Lab KitUltimate Animal & Human Physiology Lab KitNeurobiology Lab Kit, Metabolic Physiology Lab Kit with Wireless EMG/ECG, HK-TR ROAM Physiology Lab Kit with Wireless EMG/ECG & Ultimate Physiology Lab Kit with Wireless EMG/ECG.

For more information

This page was updated on 18 March 2024

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