Rumen Motility Model

By J.L. Gookin, D.M. Foster and A.M. Harvey

Rumen Motility Model is an animated simulation of reticulorumen motility. Type of record: Web Pages. Category: Anatomy and Physiology


Rumen Motility Model is an animated simulation of reticulorumen motility.

The user can view animated rumen contractions, mixing of rumen contents, rumination and eructation.


  • Orientation and Anatomy Overview (labelled/unlabelled);
  • Primary (Mixing) Rumen Contraction;
  • Secondary (Eructation) Rumen Contraction;
  • Primary (Mixing) Contraction with Rumination;
  • Secondary (Eructation) Contraction with Rumination.

To access the resource, use the Anonymous Access button on this page ("Log in as a guest").

Free of charge. Version: 2011. 3rd Edition. Suitable for veterinary students.

More hits in the Norecopa database for rumen and ruminant. 

This resource originally required Flash, but has been rebuilt.

Funded by a Teaching Innovation Grant from the Office of the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, College of Veterinary Medicine, NC State University, Raleigh.

This page was updated on 04 May 2022

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