Soft Tissue Retaining Set

This product is for securing synthetic soft tissue components used in intermediate surgical training and laparoscopic trainers. Type: Model. Category: Surgery.

Soft Tissue Retaining Set

This product is for securing synthetic soft tissue components used in intermediate surgical training and laparoscopic trainers.

Features of this product:

  • Retaining clips recommended for use on a flat work surface or on the variable slope jig to stabilise synthetic bowel, arteries, veins and flat pads.
  •  Variable slope jig allows practise of surgical skills at varying angles for more realistic and/or difficult presentation of components.
  • Provides for structured and staged learning.
  • Easy-to-use and versatile
  • Can be fitted into other laparoscopic boxes/trainers
  • Hardwearing; Easy to clean.
  • The package consists of: 4 retaining clips; 1 variable slope jig.

Great addition to the Limbs & Things Laparoscopic Skills Trainer USB (50301).

Part: 50151  

Price: US$75.00

This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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