Somso Earthworm Model

This comprehensive 3-part earthworm model (Lumbricus Terrestris) can be taken apart for a closer view of the internal structures. Type of record: Model. Category: Anatomy (animal).

Somso earthworm Model 1586

This comprehensive 3-part earthworm model (Lumbricus Terrestris) can be taken apart for a closer view of the internal structures. It features a sectioned and dissected anterior to the clitellum to clearly show the septum, coelom, nephridia, aortic arches or "hearts" and even the setae. The intestine is removable for a better view of the stomach, and the reproductive organs are removable to shows the sperm ducts. Includes a study guide identifying 41 structures.

Comments & References: Colour. Measures 54 x 15 x 26 cm. Weight: 2.2 kg. Mounted on stand with base. Somso model. The Somso models are moulded of unbreakable Somso-Plast® and are hand painted by expert craftsmen. Somso has over 100 years of experience in manufacturing models for the medical and teaching professions. Also available from Adam, Rouilly, Item: ZOS108, entitled Earthworm. Please see Dissection Activity Models: Earthworm for another earthworm model.

Item: 813520

Price: Ward's: US$885.00 each. Adam, Rouilly: For pricing, please contact your local distributor.

This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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