The Cell is a City

The Neotek version of The Cell is a City takes the viewer on an interactive 3-D journey into the inside of actual cells using Virtual Reality techniques. Type of record: CD-ROM. Category: Dissection (animal)

The Cell is a City (Neotek)

Description: The Neotek version of The Cell is a City takes the viewer on an interactive 3-D journey into the inside of actual cells using Virtual Reality techniques. This CD-ROM is based on the Atlas of the Cell. The CD-ROM uses only real electron micrographs of real cells, not computer generated images or drawings. The viewer will be able to view more than 80 scanned electron microscope image pairs. Comprehensive, on-line text accompanies each image and compares the inner workings of a cell to those of an actual city. Contents: The Cell: Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic; What Holds Cells Together; The Cell Membrane & Its Modifications; The Nucleus; Endoplasmic Reticulum; Golgi Complex; Lysosomes; Intracellular Chemistry; Mitochondria; The Cytoskeleton; Cell Transport; Plant Cells.

Comments & References: Suitable for Senior High to University. This item may also be purchased as a Dissection Package together with: Cat Dissection Laboratory, Frog Dissection Laboratory, DryLab Fetal Pig, DryLab Crayfish, DryLab Perch, DryLab Rat, DryLab Frog and DryLab Worm, US$395.00. System requirements: Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP PC with CD-ROM drive, at least 2 MB of video memory and a CRT monitor or projector, Soundcard and speakers are recommended, Neotek Base Unit. This item may be borrowed for up to 6 weeks through the Alternative Loan System of the International Network for Humane Education (InterNICHE), free of charge, but return postage must be paid by the person who has borrowed the product. Please note that there are practical limitations on where some items can be sent. Please contact and see for more information.

Computer type: IBM (Windows)

Price: US$149.00; Loan Program: Free of charge

This page was updated on 04 December 2019

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