The e-Mouse Atlas Project (EMAP)

By Duncan Davidson and Richard Baldock

EMAP is the combined research projects of Dr Duncan Davidson and Professor Richard Baldock. Type of record: Web Pages. Category: Anatomy, Genetics and Histology


 is the combined research projects of Dr Duncan Davidson and Professor Richard Baldock. Resources provided by EMAP are the EMA Anatomy Atlas of Mouse Development, the EMAGE Gene Expression Database, the eHisology Atlas and the eLearning Resource. The EMA Anatomy Atlas of Mouse Development uses embryological mouse models to provide a digital atlas of mouse development. The Atlas is based on the definitive books of mouse embryonic development by Theiler (1989) and Kaufman (1992) yet extends these studies by creating a series of three dimensional computer models of mouse embryos at successive stages of development with defined anatomical domains linked by a stage-by-stage ontology of anatomical names. EMAGE is a database of in situ gene expression data in the mouse embryo and an accompanying suite of tools to search and analyse the data. The e-Histology Atlas is an online digital resource that allows researchers to interactively explore a collection of cellular-resolution colour histology images detailing mouse development. The e-Learning Resource is a collaboration that aims to use web technology to deliver Educational Tutorials that enable conceptual understanding of key principles of embryonic development, and to couple the tutorials to High-end 3D Visualisations of mouse developmental anatomy (EMAP) and a database of developmental gene expression (EMAGE).

Comments & References: Please click here for more information on the eMouse Atlas Project (EMAP).


Price: Online: Free of charge

This page was updated on 18 March 2019

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