The Haptic Horse: An Equine Colic Simulator
By Sarah Baillie and Tierney Kinnison
Record number: | a6acb (legacy id: 5637) |
Category: | Medicine - Pathology |
Type: | Simulator |

The Haptic Horse: An Equine Colic Simulator is a virtual reality based training tool for palpation and examination of equine colic cases. A haptic device is positioned inside a fibreglass rear-half on an animal. It includes simulations of the normal abdomen (including the aorta, caecum, spleen, kidney, bladder) and colic cases such as pelvic flexure impactions, dilated loops of small intestine, a nephrosplenic entrapment and other displacements of the large colon. The haptic properties or feel of the virtual models were created by adjusting values while equine clinicians palpated the simulations.
Comments & References: Suitable for veterinary students. The picture shows the fibreglass cow with a horse's tail, a rug on and some bandages. But the software is equine. The simulator was validated by Rendle & Baillie in 2008. Simulator-trained students were more systematic in their examinations and more able to differenciate normal from abnormal. Please see record numbers 5636, 5638 and 5892 for three other haptic and protohaptic simulators. Please contact Sarah Baillie ( for more information on these simulators. Please click here more information.
Price: Please contact supplier
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