The Heart of America Plus with Coronary Bypasses
Record number: | e7a2d (legacy id: 3048) |
Category: | Anatomy |
Type: | Model |
A full-featured Heart of America with an accurately-scaled brachiocephalic trunk, left common carotid and left subclavian artery, complete with right and left internal thoracic (internal mammary) arteries, plus attachable/detachable bypass vessels of flexible tubing in a variety of lengths. Attachable/detachable bypass vessels with built-in quick-connects let the user demonstrate installation of single, double, triple bypasses, representing grafts of the saphenous vein of the lower leg, to connect the ascending aorta to the coronary arteries. In place of one of the vein grafts, the user can connect the left internal mammary artery to the left anterior descending coronary artery, LIMA bypass. The user can even demonstrate bilateral IMA coronary bypasses employing both right and left internal mammary arteries. The user can also demonstrate the anatomy of the normal healthy heart by simply detaching all bypass vessels. Even when bypass vessels are installed, the user still has full internal access to all four heart chambers and to the life-like resilient mitral and tricuspid valves, by means of exclusive flip-open hinged access portals. Handcrafted. Measures 7 x 7 x 17 inches (18 x 18 x 43 cm).
Denoyer-Geppert International, item number W A49, entitled The Heart of America Plus. Item number SB29919U from Nasco, entitled Denoyer-Geppert Heart of America Plus with Coronary Bypass Vessels. See record number 415 for The Original Heart of America model.
Price: Denoyer-Geppert: US$411.00; Nasco: US$411.00
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