The Histology Guide

By Produced by the Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Leeds, England

The Histology Guide gives the student a virtual experience of using a microscope rather than trawling through text and figures or a set of powerpoint slides. Type of record: Web pages. Category: Histology (human)

The Histology Guide 5558

The Histology Guide gives the student a virtual experience of using a microscope rather than trawling through text and figures or a set of powerpoint slides. The aim of this site is to give students the opportunity to study high quality digital images in histology. The site is interactive and is divided into topics that the students must work through. While students are watching histological slides, they can turn labels on or off to help them identify features. In some cases, students can see a section through a "virtual microscope", and they can scan around a large picture using the mouse and try to identify features. Students can also zoom in on a slide, having identified an area of interest. A Self Test Option is provided with each topic. Content: What is Histology; The Cell; Basic Tissue Types; Blood; Circulatory System; Skin; Respiratory System; Oral Tissues; Digestive System; Cartilage, Bone & Ossification; Lymphoid Tissue; Female Reproductive System; Male Reproductive System; Urinary System; Glandular Tissue.   Other options: Search the Histology Guide. Most of the topics start with an introduction.

Comments & References: This site can be used as a useful course refresher or as the main teaching tool.   Suitable for students studying medicine, dentistry, science and cell biology. Please see for more information on this web site.

Version: 2002-2006

Price: Online: Free of charge

This page was updated on 24 June 2019

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