The Horse Ovary Palpation Simulator (HOPS)
By Andrew Crossan
Record number: | b4220 (legacy id: 5638) |
Category: | Medicine |
Type: | Simulator |

The Horse Ovary Palpation Simulator (HOPS) is a virtual reality training tool for students to perform an examination of the ovaries and follicles in simulated environment. The size and position of the follicles can be varied to represent different stages of the mare's cycle. The students train on palpation by using haptic technology. This simulator was the first to use haptic technology in the veterinary field. Andrew Crossan developed HOPS during his PhD at Glasgow and he has collaborated with Sarah Baillie on several projects.
Comments & References: Suitable for veterinary students. Please see record numbers 5636, 5637 and 5892 for information on three other haptic and protohaptic simulators. Please contact Sarah Baillie ( for more information on this project. Please click here for more general information.
Price: Please contact supplier
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