The MakerBot Frog Dissection Kit

The MakerBot Frog Dissection Kit includes a lesson plan for teachers, digital files to 3D print a large, life-size frog body, and six 3D printed organs that fit together like puzzle pieces.

The Frog Dissection Kit

The MakerBot Frog Dissection Kit includes a lesson plan for teachers, digital files to 3D print a large, life-size frog body, and six 3D printed organs that fit together like puzzle pieces. Students will research their frog and its habitat, dissect the frog, and consider how its anatomy adapted to its environment. They will consider how observations made provide evidence for evolution.

Grades: 6-8
Class periods: 3-5

Students will understand the following:

  • The importance of frogs in their local ecosystem
  • Why a frog is uniquely suited to its habitat
  • Concepts of adaptation and natural selection

For more information/Download.

Read more about MakerBot Replicator 2 Desktop 3D Printer.

For comparison please see Virtual Frog Dissection Kit, Frog Dissection & Virtual Frog (V-Frog) 2.0

Price: Free

This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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