The Mouse Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates: The Coronal Plates and Diagrams, Compact 3rd Edition (CD-ROM and Book)

By Keith Franklin and George Paxinos

This book provides research workers and students with accurate stereotaxic coordinates for laboratory use, and detailed delineations and indexing of structures for reference.

Mouse Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates (7989)

This book provides research workers and students with accurate stereotaxic coordinates for laboratory use, and detailed delineations and indexing of structures for reference.   This edition is a major revision and an expansion of previous compact editions.   The features are: Delineations of 100 coronal diagrams, as fully revised for the 3rd edition; 100 coronal photographic plates produced from directly scanned very high resolution images of the biological sections (done at the Allen Institute); Beginner's guide with 25 pages on how to do stereotaxic surgery, how to use the atlas, including how to match experimental sections against the atlas plates (e.g. what features of the brain change gradually and can be used as guides to location); 3 sagittal, 5 coronal and 2 horizontal simplified overview diagrams for students; Surface views of the brain with labels over the major structures; Uses the best ontology tree (nomenclature based on the development of the brain) so far constructed with universal application across mammals; CD providing electronic versions of all diagrams and photographs in different resolutions for downloads.


Comments & References: Third Edition.   256 pages.   Spiral bound.   Includes a CD-ROM and book (record number 7989 in TextBase).   Suitable as a neuroanatomy lab atlas for all labs doing neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, behavioural neuroscience, or molecular expression, cloning and neurogenetics in the mouse brain.   Published by Academic Press, now part of Elsevier.

ISBN-13: 978-0-12-374244-5 (CD-ROM and Book)

Price: CD-ROM and Book: £59.99; US$99.95; Euro 89.95

Year: 2008

This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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