The Original Heart of America
Record number: | d4032 (legacy id: 415) |
Category: | Anatomy |
Type: | Model |
Description: This model shows both exterior and interior views of the human heart. The chambers and valves are accurately reproduced to scale and three easy-access doors open for internal, "hands-on" study of the heart. Portions of the trachea and oesophagus are included to demonstrate their relationship to the major vessels. The colours of the model coincide with the real colours of blood moving to and from the heart. The model, which is twice natural size of a healthy adult heart, is removable and mounted on a hardwood stand which permits easy rotation. 63 cardiac structures permanently number-coded by hand are identified in the Instructor's Answer Key which accompanies each model. Amongst these structures (coinciding with the 12-page Instructor's Manual) are the orifice and valve of the inferior vena cava; bicuspid and tricuspid valves with flexible chordae tendineae enhance understanding of valve action in controlling the directional flow of blood through the heart; sinoatrial node; atrioventricular node; semilunar valves of the pulmonary artery and aorta. Each model is 100% handcrafted from a custom formulated vinyl plastic compound which are virtually unbreakable. Handpainted. Brass hinges for the access portals are moulded into the model. Size of overall model: 7 x 7 x 15 inches (18 x 18 x 38 cm). See record number 3048 for The Heart of America Plus with Coronary Bypasses model.
Comments & References: Endorsed by the American Heart Association. Suitable for Jnr. High School to College students. Item number W A40 from Denoyer-Geppert, entitled The Original Heart of America. Item number SB16051M from Nasco, entitled Denoyer-Geppert Heart Model Only from the Heart Multimedia Kit. See record number 5724 for information on The Heart Multimedia Kit.
Price: Denoyer-Geppert: US$362.00; Nasco: US$362.00.
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