The Rat - A Functional Anatomy

By Jeremy Miles

The Rat - A Functional Anatomy CD-ROM is a comprehensive teaching and learning resource that provides a detailed study of the functional relationship between organ systems in the rat, from gross morphology to microscopic detail. Type: CD-ROM. Category: Anatomy (animal), Histology (animal) & Physiology (animal).

The Rat - A Functional Anatomy

Description: The Rat - A Functional Anatomy CD-ROM is a comprehensive teaching and learning resource that provides a detailed study of the functional relationship between organ systems in the rat, from gross morphology to microscopic detail. It also allows students to explore and identify the biological features of evolutionary significance that determine the position of mammals and other classes within the vertebrate kingdom. The program includes: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE RAT: An overview of the physical and behavioural characteristics of the Rat as a mammal; CLASSIFICATION OF THE VERTEBRATES: A summary of the key features distinguishing each of the classes that make up the vertebrate kingdom; A FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY: This section gives the student the option to explore each of the major organ systems from an anatomical, physiological or histological perspective by using video, audio commentary, synchronised graphics, rollover text and menu bar navigation. The following systems are covered: The DIGESTIVE SYSTEM; The CIRCULATORY and RESPIRATORY SYSTEMS; The URINOGENITAL SYSTEM; SENSE ORGANS and the BRAIN; and The SKELETON. The CD-ROM contains more than 50 minutes of video including footage of the live animal and dissection technique, audio tape introductions to all sequences, more than 100 histological slides that can be viewed at four common magnifications, diagrams, animations and text to provide a rich learning environment through which to study mammalian biology. Audio commentary and slide rollovers simplify the identification of cell types and their function. At all stages information from any perspective can be cross-referenced, providing a powerful and versatile learning resource.

Comments & References: System requirements: P166 Processor, Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT4; DirectX Software component within Windows; 16 Mb RAM (32 Mb recommended); 800x600 Display Resolution; 16 Bit Sound Card. This CD is best displayed using 24 Bit (True Colour) Display. Belongs to the Vertebrate Dissection Guides series. May be available through the Alternative Loan System of the International Network for Humane Education (InterNICHE). Please contact or see for more information. 
Computer type: Windows

Price: Loan Program: Free of charge

This page was updated on 20 May 2019

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