Vetiqo - Canine full Skull

This realistic bone displays the anatomical structures of a full canine skull in detail, from the Foramen magnum to the Processus frontalis

Canine Full Skull

This realistic bone displays the anatomical structures of a full canine skull in detail, from the Foramen magnum to the Processus frontalis. It is therefore great for anatomical training and demonstration purpose.

Lenght: ca. 18cm
Layers: solid
Article no. #005-070-02

Related Bones from VetiqoCanine SkullCanine Mandibula, Full Canine Skull with fractures, Canine Femur solid, Canine Femur with Trochanter major fracture, Canine Femur with comminuted fracture, Canine Femur with long oblique fracture, Canine Tibia & Fibula.

Please see The Vetiqo website for more information about prices.

This page was updated on 26 September 2022

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