Virtual Anesthesia Machine

By Sem Lampotang, Edwin Liem and David Lizdas

This computer program is an interactive Web-based simulation model of an anaesthesia machine and ventilator, specifically teaching the way adjustment of the machine controls affects gas flow. Type of record: Web pages. Category: Anaesthesia

Virtual Anesthesia Machine (Web pages)

Description: This computer program is an interactive Web-based simulation model of an anaesthesia machine and ventilator, specifically teaching the way adjustment of the machine controls affects gas flow. The program simulates the flow of oxygen, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide and volatile anaesthetics through all phases of mechanical, manual and spontaneous ventilation. The user can click on icons representing oxygen flush, APL valve, tidal volume and respiratory rate. Settings for the flow meter and ventilator can also be adjusted. Carbon dioxide absorption, and the influence of fresh gas flow, oxygen flush and minute ventilation on the gases in the different part of the system are demonstrated.

Please see for more information.

Click here for other anaesthesia simulations

This page was updated on 25 January 2021

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