Virtual Fetal Pig Dissection (VPD)

By Earl W. Fleck (1998); Revised in 2011 by VPD Editor and supervisor Thomas Knight

This interactive Virtual Fetal Pig Dissection (VPD) web site is designed as a supplement to laboratory dissections, exploring introductory mammalian anatomy and physiology. Type of record: Web pages. Category: Anatomy and Physiology

Virtual Pig Dissection 5240

This interactive Virtual Fetal Pig Dissection (VPD) web site is designed as a supplement to laboratory dissections, exploring introductory mammalian anatomy and physiology. It is basic and many details have been omitted for clarity.  The authors hope that it is suitable for AP Biology students or for students of introductory anatomy and physiology at the college level.

Please see the "About" page for more details and contact information.

The web site is divided into the following 8 chapters: Anatomical References; Sexing Your Pig; Digestive System; Excretory System; Circulatory System; Reproductive System; Respiratory System and Nervous System. Students can navigate to any chapter.

The website originally included a section called "Quizzes", but these have been taken down for technical reasons.

Produced at Whitman College, Washington 99362, USA. 

Online: Free of charge

Please see this overview of online resources for home learning

Information on other dissection alternatives

This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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