Virtual Physiology Series

By Martin Christian Hirsch; Hans Albert Braun; Karlheinz Voigt & H. Schneider, Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany

The Virtual Physiology series consists of 5 interactive simulation CD-ROMS: SimNerv, SimMuscle, SimVessel, SimHeart and SimNeuron. 

The Virtual Physiology series consists of 5 interactive simulation CD-ROMS: SimNerv, SimMuscle, SimVessel, SimHeart and SimNeuron. The series covers the entire field of nerve-muscle physiology and simulates all of the classic experiments conducted by medical, dental, veterinary, biology and chemistry students. All stimulation and recording devices are freely adjustable. Mathematical algorithms guarantee for the appropriate reactions of the preparations in all situations, also considering their physiological diversity.

Designed to promote practice-oriented learning, the Virtual Physiology series is a great introduction to real laboratory work. 

Each of the 5 CD-ROMs has a carefully defined goal:
SimNerv presents the fundamentals of nerve stimulation; SimMuscle explains the mechanisms of the striated muscle; SimVessel focuses on the pharmacology and physiology of smooth muscle contractions of vessels and the intestine; SimHeart covers cardiac contractions; and SimNeuron examines the activity of ion channels.  

Each CD-ROM features: A user-friendly interface; A realistic 3D representation of laboratory equipment; All instruments are easily adjusted by mouse-click; A flexible structure that allows the user to decide on the sequence of experiments; Vivid simulations of the properties of each tested tissue; Comprehensive on-line help; A detailed user manual and a tutorial for inexperienced users.

Programs running on all Windows platforms, from Win XP to Win 10, 32 bit as well as 64 bit
versions. SimHeart and SimVessel also include .swf files to run on MacOS.

It is part of the cLABs set produced by Professor Hans Braun (see also record numbers 5406 and 5407). 

Price: Please see Virtual-Physiology.

This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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