Visualizing Cell Processes DVD, 3rd Edition

The BioMEDIA's Visualizing Cell Processes DVD Set is a comprehensive program for studying fundamental cell functions, consisting of 5 individual DVDs. 

Visualizing Cell Processes DVD, 3rd Edition

The BioMEDIA's Visualizing Cell Processes DVD Set is a comprehensive program for studying fundamental cell functions, consisting of 5 individual DVDs. BioMEDIA's widely used Visualizing Cell Processes is a comprehensive program for teaching and studying fundamental cell functions. Each video uses narration, clear animation, and extraordinary microscope footage of living cells. The series fully supports the National Science Education Standards for teaching cell biology. DVD includes all 5 video programs in the series and a single-building license, plus it comes with an Integrated Learning Guide CD-ROM to extend the lessons. 2002.

Grade 10-College.

Item: 490969

Visualizing Cell Processes: Cells and Molecules DVD, Item: 490960
Visualizing Cell Processes: Cell Movement and Transport DVD, Item: 490961A
Visualizing Cell Processes: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration DVD, Item: 490962A
Visualizing Cell Processes: DNA Replication, Mitosis, and Cellular Reproduction DVD, Item: 490963A
Visualizing Cell Processes: The Genetic Code and Its Translation DVD, Item: 490964A

Price: $70.00 each DVD

This page was updated on 02 June 2021

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