A Color Atlas of Sectional Anatomy of the Rat
By Hayakawa, Toshiyuki and Iwaki,Takamasa
Record number: | 5b6ba (legacy id: 8167) |

Rats are used in a wide range of research areas such as preclinical tests, microbiological research, carcinogenic experiments, neurology, physiology, toxic tests, pharmacological tests. Anatomy is one of the basic sciences and although much progress has recently been made in the field of human imaging diagnosis, information on sectional anatomy of experimental animals is still lacking. The authors have carried out studies in order to publish an atlas using experimental rats as a model. Cut sections were prepared serially at about 1-3 mm intervals (sagittal, dorsal and transverse sections); The specimens were not fixed but kept in a frozen state so that photographic information close to the living state could be obtained; All photographs are in colour and they are enlarged (A4 version) for detailed observation; The atlas provides macro-anatomical photographs making the sectional atlas more comprehensive; The anatomical terms used are in English. A low-speed diamond scroll saw blade were used to obtain preparations for sectional anatomy.
First Edition. 141 pages. Hardcover. Includes references from other well known anatomy atlases of the rat.
Available from Braintree Scientific, Inc. Item SECT-ANT R.
Please see record number 7033 for A Color Atlas of Sectional Anatomy of the Mouse.
Price: US$286.00.
Year: 2008
This is one of our favourite textbooks within Laboratory Animal Science.
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