Anaesthetic and Sedative Techniques for Aquatic Animals, 3rd Edition
By Ross, Lindsay & Ross, Barbara
Record number: | 6458e (legacy id: 8051) |

The Third Edition of Anaesthetic and Sedative Techniques for Aquatic Animals incorporates new emphasis on "Fish Pain And Welfare: A Rapidly Developing Area Of Interest And Debate" and "Anaesthesia And Legislation: With An International Perspective". The Second Edition of this book provided the fisheries and aquaculture industry with vital information on the use of sedation and anaesthetics to avoid stress and physical damage, which can easily be caused by crowding, capture, handling, transportation and release.
Third Edition. 240 pages. 39 illustrations. Fully revised and expanded. Available as a Hardcover and as an eBook (2009). Suitable for personnel involved in the aquaculture industry including fish farmers, fish veterinarians, fisheries scientists and fish biologists along with small animal veterinarians, animal laboratory managers and government and regulatory personnel. Table of Contents. Available from Wiley Online Library.
ISBN: Hardcover: 978-1-405-14938-9, eBook: 978-1-444-30227-1
Price: Hardcover: £121.75, eBook: £109.99
Year: 2008
This is one of our favourite textbooks within Laboratory Animal Science.
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