Health and Safety in Laboratory Animal Facilities
By Wood, Margery V & Smith, Maurice W.
Record number: | 8ecc4 (legacy id: 6170) |

Health and Safety in Laboratory Animal Facilities provides guidance on assessing hazards and risks and how to eliminate and minimise them. It also emphasises that each facility is unique and must be assessed locally by competent persons familiar with all aspects. Contents: Preface; Introduction to health and safety in laboratory animal facilities; Allergenic hazards; Infectious hazards; Genetically modified (transgenic) animals; Chemical hazards; Radiation safety; Safety management; Legal requirements. More information available on the Internet. This book is recommended to all professionals working with laboratory animals.
Part of the Laboratory Animal Handbooks Series, No. 13. The other two handbooks in the series cover the Design of animal experiments and Parasites of Laboratory Animals.
249 pages. Paperback.
Reviewed in Occupational & Environmental Medicine.
Price: £36.99. Currently unavailable.
Year: 1999
This is one of our favourite textbooks within Laboratory Animal Science.
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